Lower Abdomen:
(1). Lower abdomen -
(2). Emerges along the Path of Qi -
(3). Tracks the course of the kidney channel -
(4). Ascends through the abdomen -
(5). Skirts the navel -
(6). Disperses in the chest
(6). Chest -
(7). Ascends across the throat -
(8). Face -
(9). Nasal cavity.
Lower Abdomen:
(1). Lower abdomen -
(10). Below the kidney -
(11). Emerges along the Path of Qi -
(12). Descends along the medial aspect of the thigh -
(13). Popliteal fossa -
(14). Medial margin of the tibia and the posterior aspect of the medial malleolus - (15). Bottom of the foot.
(16). Tibia -
(17). Toward the lateral margin of the bone -
(18). enters the heel -
(19). Crosses the tarsal bones of the foot -
(20). Big toe.
Big Toe:
(21). Pelvic cavity -
(22). Enter the spine and circulates through the back.
The Thursting Vessel Intersects;
1. Huiyin (LI-l),
2. Yinjiao (LI-7),
3. Qichong (S-30),
4. Henggu (K-11),
5. Dahe (K-12),
6. Qixue (K-13),
7. Siman (K-14),
8. Zhongzhu (K-15),
9. Huangshu (K-16),
10. Shangqu (K-17),
11. Shiguan (K-18),
12. Yindu (K-19),
13. Tonggu (K-20),
13. Youmen (K-21).