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B.D.C.C.I. Martial Qigong / Gongfu Newsletter
Qi Gongfu Newsletter II

Welcome To The Black Dragon Clandestine Combatives Institute Street Combat Qi Gong:  

B.D.C.C.I. Summer 2011 Newsletter:


( Taiji Theory )

Internal Organs: (Sun Lu Tang)              [Corresponding 8 Trigrams]
Shao Yin Organs;
1. Heart                                                          Li      (Fire)
2. Left Abdomen                                              Zhen (Thunder)
3. Urinary Bladder                                            (Water)*                
4. Gonads (Testicles)                                       (Water)*
5. Small Intestine                                             (Fire)*

Tai Yang Organs;
1. Right Abdomen                                             Dui    (Lake)
2. Large Intestine/Colon                                     (Metal)*
3. Appendix                                                      (Metal)*
Shao Yang Organs;
1. Kidneys                                                        Kan   (Water)
2. Liver                                                             (Wood)*
3. Stomach (Abdomen)                                      (Earth)*
Tai Yin Organs;
1. Lungs                                                           (Metal)*
2. Trachea / (Neck)                                            Gen   (Mountain)
3. Thyroid Gland / (Neck)                                    Gen   (Mountain)
External / Internal Organ:
Shao Yin Organs;
1. Eyes                                              

External Organs In The Fist:                         
Shao Yin Organs;
1. Chest                                                               Li      (Fire)
2. Hips                                                                 Zhen  (Thunder)
Tai Yang Organs;
1. Head                                                                 Qian   (Heaven)
2. Shoulders                                                          Dui    (Lake)
Shao Yang Organs;
1.  Abdomen                                                          Kan    (Water)
2.  Feet                                                                  Xun   (Wind)
Tai Yin Organs;
1. Legs                                                                  Kun  (Earth)
2. Back                                                                  Gen   (Mountain)
*Yin / Yang Organs ( Wu Xing/5 Elements) As They Apply
To Traditional Chinese Medicine:
1.   [Fire]
1a. Heart / Yin
1b. Small Intestine / Yang
1c. Pericardium / Yin
1d. Triple Warmer / Yang
2.   [Earth]
2a. Spleen / Yin
2b. Stomach / Yang
3.   [Metal]
3a. Lungs / Yin
3b. Large Intestine / Yang
4.   [Water]
4a. Kidneys / Yin
4b. Urinary Bladder / Yang
5.   [Wood]
5a. Liver / Yin
5b. Gall Bladder / Yang

Skeletal Structural Appendages:
Skeletal Structural Appendages:

Muscular Appendages:
Muscular Appendages:

Thrusting Vessel
Thrusting Vessel

Lower Abdomen: 
(1). Lower abdomen - 
(2). Emerges along the Path of Qi -
(3). Tracks the course of the kidney channel -
(4). Ascends through the abdomen -
(5). Skirts the navel -
(6). Disperses in the chest

(6). Chest -
(7). Ascends across the throat -
(8). Face -
(9). Nasal cavity.
Lower Abdomen:
(1). Lower abdomen -
(10). Below the kidney -
(11). Emerges along the Path of Qi -
(12). Descends along the medial aspect of the thigh -
(13). Popliteal fossa -
(14). Medial margin of the tibia and the posterior aspect of the medial malleolus - (15). Bottom of the foot.


(16). Tibia -

(17). Toward the lateral margin of the bone -

(18). enters the heel -

(19). Crosses the tarsal bones of the foot -

(20). Big toe.

Big Toe:

(21). Pelvic cavity -

(22). Enter the spine and circulates through the back.

The Thursting Vessel Intersects;

1.   Huiyin (LI-l),

2.   Yinjiao (LI-7),

3.   Qichong (S-30),

4.   Henggu (K-11),

5.   Dahe (K-12),

6.   Qixue (K-13),

7.   Siman (K-14),

8.   Zhongzhu (K-15),

9.   Huangshu (K-16), 

10. Shangqu (K-17),

11. Shiguan (K-18),

12. Yindu (K-19),

13. Tonggu (K-20),

13. Youmen (K-21).


Black Dragon Clandestine Combatives Institute:

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Christian Kenpo Karate Association Membership  Inquiries may be submitted to CKKA; 887 Verde St; Shafter; CA 93263 or by email at chaplainfindley@yahoo.com.