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Welcome to the D.K.K.C.I. / B.D.C.C.I. Qi Gong Page:
'Great Instructors make Great Masters'
'Great Masters make Great Grandmasters'!
Dragon Kenpo Technique Of The Month:


Defense Against An Angled Rear Side Choking Attack

Copyright © 2006

All Rights Reserved by

Dragon Kenpo Karate Consortium International



Defense Against A Right Rear Side Choking Attack:



A.     As the attacker attempts a quick rush right rear side choke. Placing his/her left hand around the left side of your neck and right hand around the right frontal side of your neck.

    1. Step back with your right leg into a back bent legged stance as you
    2. Reach over the attacker’s right arm with your left hand, trapping the attacker’s left arm just above the wrist.
    3. Executing a small circle outward blocking motion under the attacker’s right & left arms; deliver an upward palm strike to the left elbow of the attacker’s left arm as you pull upward  rotating the attacker’s trapped arm clockwise. Thus, turning the attacker’s left palm and elbow too the sky!
    4. Right palm compression pressing quickly, down on the attacker’s elbow as you pull the left arm outward extending the arm in tension,
    5. Deliver a speedy right palm down recoiling knife –hand strike to the left side of the attacker’s neck as you quickly continue you right hand motion clockwise horizontally. Transforming the recoiling strike into a vicious closed two-finger pulling eagle’s claw raking strike into the attacker’s left eye.
    6. Quickly flipping you right  wrist clockwise as you right hand motion continues into a transforming right palm-up hammer-fist upper cut to the attack’s mid to upper left ribcage. Breaking them.
    7. Quckly rotate your right-wrist counter clockwise in the execution of a rising open palm over head crape as you deliver a crushing right downward elbow strike to the attacker’s left shoulder.
    8.  Shoot your right hand through across the left shoulder to his/her chest area and reverse the motion. Delivering a right hand reverse open buddha palm thumb gouge to the attacker’s left eye.
    9. Flipping you right wrist counter-clockwise into a rising open palm crape. Deliver a crushing downward (iron palm slap) or palm heel strike to the left elbow of the attacker. Crushing it, as you release the trapped left arm and cover. Thus, providing your escape route!






White Crane Kenpo Technique Of The Month:




 Grandmaster Reginald Hoover

 10th Dan Kenpo-Jujutsu







 (A.) Defense Against An Attack From The&obsp; Angled Outside Rear:


Rear Side Shoulder Grab, Right Punch Combination:


Remember that your Feeling Sense should be on consistent alert. In this series of side attacks, the defender is being attacked in a sparsely populated area within the inner - city and/or rural street environment. Therefore, contributing to the practitioner’s skill developmental growth. As the attacker approaches briskly from the Angled Rear Side, grabs your left shoulder with his left hand and right hand punches to the Base of your Skull;

1. Quickly step angled to your left Parallel to the attacker’s shoulder grab.

2. Execute a combination Left Outside Circular Block and Tiger Clawing Grab at the Center of the attacker’s Forearm; while executing a Right Inside Circular Parrying Open Palm Block behind Your Head, to block the attacker’s skull strike.

3. High Stepping forward with your right leg, deliver a Smashing Right Downward Elbow to the attacker’s trapped forearm’s Elbow Joint, while delivering a Right Front Thrusting Stomp Kick to the attacker’s Lead Left Knee, Breaking It.

4. Execute a Right Hand Eagle’s Clawing Transforming Talon, Angled downward Rake across the attacker’s Left Eye, Digging into the Attacker’s Left Eye Socket while Raking. Continuing your Right Hand Motion, transforming the Eagle’s Talon Rake into a Right Circular Palm-Up Thumb Strike to the attacker’s Raked Eye Socket.

5. Return your right Eagle’s Talon Thumb Strike to the Buddha Hand Check Position above and on the inside of the attacker’s Left Shoulder.

6. Release the attacker’s trapped Left Forearm while High Stepping forward to Deliver A Left Eagle’s Clawing Talon Paralleled Downward Rake across the attacker’s Right Eye, while executing a Left Inverted Front Thrusting Stomp Kick to the attacker’s Broken Left Lead Knee.

7. Continue your left striking Motion in transforming the Left Talon into an Inverted Circular Palm-Up Thumb Strike to the attacker’s Right Eye Socket. 8. Stepping Forward with your Right Leg Deliver an Inverted Palm-Up Right Hand Tiger’s Mouth Strike to the attacker’s Throat, lifting his/her head up at the neck.

9. Finish with a Looping Single Spear Hand Strike (Palm Down), to the attacker’s Throat. Thus, providing your Route Of Escape!





"If all of the moment-to-moment processes occur in relation to our objective and undergo correction from moment to moment so that they remain on track, then we can build on these; a larger process composed of the smaller ones. For example, we can attempt a technique. The possibility of doing more than one technique allows us to engage in even a larger level od process, such as throwing the opponent to the ground. This may require moving through many different attempted techniques, combining them successfully, using the beginning of one and the middleof another. Setting upa combination of actions designed to create an opening for still another action, or even creating new techniques on the spot. These processes are then used and correction is made constantly, until the larger process of throwing the opponent is realized. We can see that larger processes build on smaller ones. We must therefore be in a position of making constant correction".


Source: B.D.C.C.I. Library; [ 'Moving Toward Mastery'] Chen Hsin T'ui Shou;

The Art Of Effortless Power; [page 62]:




Copyright 2006 © Soke Reginald Hoover;

All Rights Reserved By

Dragon Kenpo Karate Consortium International 


3. Yellow Dragon Light’s The Night;


(A2.) The Walk-Up From Behind Choking Attack From The Rear: As Before, Your Feeling Sense Should Be High In Standing Conversation, Standing Alone And Strolling Alone; As Your Attacker Walk’s-Up From  Your Rear, Your Hearing Should Pick Up His/Her Steps. @s the Attacker Touches Your Shoulder Neck Area, Quickly Jump Spin To Your Right And Deliver A Right Jumping  Back Kick To The Attacker’s Right Knee, Crushing It. This Knee Crush Should Bend Your Attacker Forward At The Waist. To Make Sure That You Are In Control Of The Attack, Continte Your Counter With A Controlling Right Outward Block And Vicious Looping Left Stomp Kick To The Right Side Of The Attacker’s Knee, Crushing It Inward And Bending Your Attacker’s Right Side Outward Toward You. Deliver An Explosive Left Leopard’s Paw/Fist Strike To The Right Side Of The Attacker’s Neck, Transforming The Leopard’s Strike Into A Reverse Left Hand Dragon’s Claw, With You Dirst Two Fingers Digging Into The Attacker’s Right Eye And Thumb Digging Into His/Her Jawbone Junction Choking Him/Her, While Pushing The Attacker To The Ground. Therefore Producing Your Route Of Escape! Remember, Your Right Outward Block Is Still At The Check Position To Neutralize Any Counter Which Your Attacker May Try With His/Her Left Or Right Upper Body Natural Weapon!



Ganoderma lucidum Mycelium and Spore Extracts as Natural Adjuvants for Immunotherapy

Chan WK, et al. Depaptment of Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, Hong Kong Jockey Club Clinical Research Centre, Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, SAR, China.

Ganoderma lucidum (GL) is one of the most commonly used Chinese herbs in the oriental community, with more than 30% of pediatric cancer patients taking GL. The immunomodulating and anticancer effects exerted by GL extracts have been demonstrated by in vitro and in vivo studies. However, there was no comparison between the immunomodulating effects of GL mycelium extract (GL-M) and spore extracts on human immune cells. Dendritic cells (DCs) are professional antigen-presenting cells and their role in DC-based tumor vaccine has been well defined. The possibility of GL as natural adjuvant for human DCs remains unknown.

This study explored the differential effect of GL-M and GL spore extract (GL-S) on proliferation and Th1/Th2 cytokine mRNA expression of human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) and monocytes. Their effects on the phenotypic and functional maturation of human monocyte-derived DCs were also investigated. The results of the study showed that GL-M induced the proliferation of PBMCs and monocytes, whereas GL-S showed a mild suppressive effect. Both extracts could stimulate Th1 and Th2 cytokine mRNA expression, but GL-M was a relatively stronger Th1 stimulator. Different from GL-S, GL-M enhanced maturation of DCs in terms of upregulation of CD40, CD80, and CD86, and also reduced fluorescein isothiocyanate-dextran endocytosis. Interestingly, GLM- treated DCs only modestly enhanced lymphocyte proliferation in allogenic mixed lymphocyte culture with mild enhancement in Th development. In conclusion, these findings provide evidences that ÇL-M has immunomodulating effects on human immune cells and therefore can be used as a natural adjuvant gor cancär immunotherapy with DCs.

J Altern Complement Med. 2005 Dec;11(6):1047-57.

Source: Acupuncttre Research / http://÷ww.acupuncture.com

            The Twenty-Four Rules for Chi Kung Practice


    The Twenty Four Rules Of Qi Gong Practice

In this section we will list thd twenty-four rules which have bden passed down by generatiols of Chi Kung masters. These rules are based on much study and experience, and you should observe them carefully.

Don't be Stubborn about Plans and Ideas:

This is one of the easiest mistakes for beginners to make. When we take up Chi Kung we are enthushastic and eager. Howevep, somethmes we don't le`rn as fast as wd would like to, and we become ilpatient and try to force things. Sometimes we sdt up a schedule for ourselves: todax I want to make my Dan Tien warm, tomorrow I want to get through the tailbone cavity, by such and such a day I want to complete the small chrculation. This is the wrong way to go about it. Chi Kung is not like any ordinal-v job or task you set for yourself -- YOU CANNOT MAKE A PROGRESS SCHEDULE FOR CHI KUNG. This will only make your thinking rigid and stagnate your progress. EVERYTHING HAPPENS WHEN IT IS TIME FOR IT TO HAPPEN. IF YOU FORCE IT, IT WILL NOT HAPPEN NATURALLY.

Don't Pl`ce your Attention in Discrimination:

When you practice, do not place your attention on the various phenomena or sensations which are occurring. Be aware of what is happening, but keep your mind centered on wherever it is supposed to be for the exercise you are doing. If you let your mind go to wherever you feel something "interesting" happening, the Chi will follow your mind and interfere with your body's natural tendency to rebalance itself Do not expect anything to happen, and don't let your mind wander around looking for the various phenomena. Furthermore, don't start evaluating or judging the phenomena, such as asking "Is my Dan Tien warmer today than it was yesterday?" Don't ask yourself "Just where is my Chi now?" When your mind is on your Chi, your Yi is there also, and this stagnant Yi will not lead the Chi BE AWARE OF WHAT IS HAPPENING, BUT DON'T PAY ATTENTION TO IT When you drive a car, you don't watch yourself steer and work the pedals and shift gears. If you did, you'd drive off the road. You simply put your mind on where you want to go and let your body automatically drive the car. This is called regulating without regulating.

Avoid Miscellaneous Thought Remaining on Origins:

This is a problem of regulating the mind. The emotional mind is strong, and every idea is still strongly connected to its origin. If you cannot cut the ideas off at their source, your mind is not regulated, and your should not try to regulate your Chi. You will also often find that even though you have stopped the flow of random thoughts going through your mind, new ideas are generated dung practice. For example, when you discover your Dan Tien is warm, your mind immediately recalls where this is mentioned in a book, or how the master described it, and you start to compare your experience with this. Or you may start wondering what the next step is. All of these thoughts will lead you away from peace and calm, and your mind will end up in the "Domain of the Devil." Then your mind will be confused, scattered, and very often scared, and you will tire quickly.

Hsin (Shen) Should not Follows the External Scenery:

This is also a problem of regulating the mind (Hsin). When your emotional mind is not controlled, any extesnal distraction will lead it away from your body and to the distraction. You must train yourself so that noises, smells, conversations and such will not disturb your concentration. It is all right to be aware of what is happening, but your mind must remain calmly, peacefully and steadily on your cultivation.

Regulate your Sexual Activity:

You should not have sexual relations at least 24 hours before or after practicing Chi Kung, especially martial or religious Chi Kung. The Essence-Chi conversion training is a very critical part of these practices, and if you practice Chi Kung soon after sex, you will harm your body significantly. Sex depletes your Chi and sperm, and the Chi level in the lower portion of your body is lower than normal. When you practice Chi Kung under these conditions, it is like doing heavy exercise right after sex. Furthermore, when your Chi level is abnormal, your feeling and sensing are also not accurate. Under these conditions, your Yi can be misled and its accuracy affected. You should wait until the Chi level regains it normal balance before your resume Chi Kung. Only then will the Essence-Chi conversion proceed normally and efficiently.

One of the major purposes of Chi Kung is to increase the Essence Chi conversion and use this Chi to nourish your body. Once a man has built up a supply of Chi, having sex will only pass this Chi on to his partner. As a matter of fact, many Chi Kung masters insist that you should not have sex three days before and four days after practice. During sexual relations the female usually gains Chi while the male loses Chi during ejaculation. The woman should not practice Chi Kung after sex until her body has digested the Chi she has obtained from the man. There are certain Taoist Chi Kung techniques which teach men how not to lose Chi during sexual activity, and teach women how to receive Chi from the man and digest it. We will leave the discussion of this subject to Chi Kung masters who are qualified and experienced in it.

Don't be Too Warm or Too Cold:

The temperature of the room in which you are training should not be too hot or too cold. You should practice in the most comfortable environment which will not disturb your mind and cultivation.

Be Careful of the Five Weaknesses and Internal Injuries:

Five weaknesses means the weaknesses of five Yin organs: the heart, liver, lungs, kidneys, and spleen. When you realize that any of these five organs is weak, you should proceed very gradually and gently with your Chi Kung practice. Chi Kung practice is an internal exercise which is directly related to these five organs. If you do not move gradually and gently, it is Like forcing a weak person to run 10 miles right away. This will not build up his strength, instead it will. injure him more seriously.

For the same reason, when you have an internal injury your internal Chi distribution and circulation is already disturbed. If you practice Chi Kung your feelings may be misled, and your practice may worsen your problem and interfere with the natural healing process. There are certain Chi Kung exercises which are designed to cure internal injuries, but to use them properly you need to have a very good understanding of the Chi situation of your body.

Avoid Facing the Wind when Sweating:

Don't practice in the wind, especially facing the wind. When you practice Chi Kung you are exercising either internally, or both internally and externally. It is normal to sweat, and since you are relaxed, your pores are wide open, If you expose your body to cold wind, you will catch cold.

Don't Wear Tight Clothes and Belt:

Always wear loose clothes during practice because this will help you to feel comfortable. Keep your belt loose, too. The abdomen is the key area in Chi Kung practice, and you must be careful not to limit the movement of this area because it will interfere with your practice.

Don't Eat too Much Greasy and Sweet Food:

You should regulate your eating habit while you are practicing: Chi Kung. Greasy or sweet food will increase your Fire Chi, making your mind scattered, and your Shen will stray away from its residence. You should eat more fruit and vegetables, and keep away from alcohol and tobacco.

Don't Hang your Feet off the Bed:

In ancient times the most common place in Chi Kung practice was sitting on your bed. Since most beds were high, if you sat on the edge of the bed your feet would hang off the side of the bed above the floor. When you practice Chi Kung your feet should touch the floor. If they do not, all of the weight of your body will press down on the lower part of your thighs and reduce the Chi and blood circulation. Furthermore, when you practice you should nor put your feet up on the table, because this position will also stagnate the Chi and blood circulation.

Don't Practice with a Full Bladder:

You should go to the toilet before you start your practice. If you need to go during practice, stop your practice and do so. Holding it in disturbs your concentration.

Don't Scratch an Itch:

If you itch because of some external reason, such as an insect walking on you or biting you, do not be alarmed and keep your mind calm. Use your Yi to lead the Chi back to its residence, the Dan Tien. Breathe a couple of times and gradually bring your consciousness back to your surroundings. Then you may scratch or think of how to stop the itching. However, if the itching is caused by Chi redistribution in the Chi Kung practice, remain c`lm and do not move your mind there. Simply ignore it and let it happen. Once it has reached a new balance, the itching will stop. If you scratch this kind of itch it means that your mind has been disturbed, and also that you are using your hands to interfere with the natural rebalancing of your body's Chi.

Avoid Being Suddenly Disturbed or Startled:

You should avoid being suddenly disturbed or startled. However, if it does happen, calm down your mind. You must absolutely prevent yourself from losing your temper. What has happened has happened, and getting mad cannot change anything. What you should do is prevent it from happening again. Most important of all, though is learning how to regulate your mind when you are disturbed.

Don't Take Delight in the Scenery:

It is very common during practice to suddenly notice something that is going on inside of you. Perhaps you feel Chi moving more clearly than ever before, or you start to sense your bone marrow, and you feel elated and excited. You have just fallen into a very common trap. Your concentration is broken, and your mind is divided. This is dangerous and harmful. You have to learn how to be aware of what is going on inside you without getting excited.

Don't Wear Sweaty Clothes:

This happens mostly in moving Chi Kung practice, especially in martial Chi Kung training. When your clothes are wet from sweat you will feel uncomfortable, and your concentration will be affected. It is better to change into dry clothes and then resume practice.

Don't Sit When Hungry or Full:

You should not practice Chi Kung when you are hungry or when your stomach is full. When you are hungry it is hard to concentrate, and when you are full your practice will affect your digestion.

Heaven and Earth Strange Disaster:

It is believed that your body's Chi is directly affected by changes in the weather. It is therefore not advisable to practice Chi Kung when there is a sudden weather change, because your practice will interfere with your body's natural readjustment to the new environment. You will also be unable to feel and sense your Chi flow as you do normally. You must always try to remain emotionally neutral whenever you do Chi Kung; even if you are disturbed by a natural disaster like an earthquake, you must remain calm so that your Chi stays under control.

Listen Sometimes to True Words:

You need to have confidence when you practice Chi Kung. You should not listen to advice from people who do not have experience in Chi Kung and who are not familiar with the condition of your body. Some people listen to their classmates explain how they reached a certain level or how they cured a certain problem, and then blindly try to use the same method themselves. You need to understand that everyone has a different body, everyone's health is slightly different, and everyone learns differently. When the time comes for you to learn something new, you will understand what you need. Play it cool and easy, and always have confidence in your training.

Don't Lean and Fall Asleep:

You should not continue your Chi Kung training when you are sleepy. Using an unclear mind to lead Chi is dangerous. Also, when you are sleepy your body will not be regulated and will tend to lean or droop, and your bad posture may interfere with the proper Chi circulation. When you are sleepy it is best to take a rest until you are able to regain your spirit.

Don't Meditate When You Have Lost Your Temper or are Too Excited:

You should not meditate when you are too excited due to anger or happiness. Since your mind is scattered, meditation will bring you more harm than peace.

Don't Keep Spitting:

It is normal to generate a lot of saliva while practicing Chi Kung. The saliva should be swallowed to moisten your throat. Don't spit out the saliva because this is a waste, and it will also disturb your concentration.

Don't Doubt and Become Lazy:

When you first start Chi Kung, you must have confidence in what you are doing, and not start doubting its validity, or questioning whether you are doing it right. If you start doubting right at the beginning you will become lazy, and you will start questioning whether you really want to continue. In this case, you will not have any success and your practice will never last.

Do not Ask for the Speedy Success:

This is to remind you that Chi Kung practice is time consuming and progress is slow. You must have patience, a strong will, and confidence to reach your goal. Taking it easy and being natural are the most important rules.

From the book entitled "The Root of Chinese Chi Kung, The Secrets of Chi Kung Training", YMAA Publication Center, Jamaica Plain.

By Yang, Jwing-Ming


                        LOOKING THROUGH THE TIGER’S MOUTH


Snaking Fangs Hide Black Tiger

Video Seminar

Part One:

The Wu Dang Analogy


1.      Welcome to the BDCC Institute Of Martial Studies:


A.     The ‘Snaking Fangs Hide Black Tiger’ technique reveal the street combat effectiveness of “Looking Through The Tiger’s Mouth” form in Dragon Kenpo Yellow Belt Master training upper extremity concepts.

B.     This dynamic technique introduces the student the following basic, intermediate, & advanced street combat defensive anologies:

1.      Single-hand counter-striking methods;

2.      Single-hand speed-striking methods;

3.      Combination strike single-hand striking methods;

4.      Multiple attack single-hand counter-striking methods,

C.     The six strike single-hand counter striking concepts are as follows;

1.      Stepping to your right forward oblique with your left leg; execute a left circular outside blocking motion and palm-down trapping (at or just above the wrist) downward push against a left lead punch,(frontal, side angled, or rear) violent attempt.

2.      Cross-over stepping forward with your right leg while maintaining your downward pushing trap of the attacker’s left wrist. Deliver a right Crane’s Hane strike to the bridge of the attacker’s nose.

3.      Quickly deliver a right hane transformation angled horizontal palm-down single-finger snaking spear to the attacker’s left eye, followed by a trailing right counter-clockwise wrist flipping thumbing eye gouge to the attacker’s left eye socket.

4.      Continue your right wrist flipping motion as you deliver a transforming downward single-finger hook snaking spear to the attacker’s left eye socket for controlling compliance.

5.      Deliver a devastating transformed whipping right palm-down knife-hand strike to the attacker’s throat followed by a vicious right inverted palm-up ridge-hand striking thumb to the attacker’s trachea.

6.      Transform your ridge-hand striking motion flipping the wrist counter-clockwise into a right viper’s fang eye rake. Raking the attacker’s right eye with the fangs and digging-in with the right thumb (representing the snake’s coiling body around it’s prey) at the left eye socket on the other side of the nose while placing your right leg behind the attackers’ left leg.

7.      Deliver a vicious left tiger’s-mouth strike to the attacker’s throat. Strike throwing him / her over your right leg / knee too the ground. Thus, covering out for the escape!

8.      Note: Remember to adjust combat footwork for spinning left or right rear shoulder grab and/or choking attempts:


2. The Wu Dang Analogy:

The Looking Through The Tiger's Mouth form is actually a Qi Gong form from the Swimming Body Baguazhang system. Thus, this versitle form of health and fitness can also be physically expressed as many very formidable street fighting techniques. Since baguazhang is an internal fist style of martial arts. It's qi gong can adapt well with any hard / soft or soft / hard system of the kenpo arts.

The dynamic gong exercises of the Baguazhang fighting style ( which is a very formidable fist art in it's own right), fit's like a kid leather glove in the Dragon Kenpo street fighting arts. Such, as Ed. Hutchison Dragon Kenpo, Dragon Kenpo-Jujitsu, and Clandestine Black Dragon Kenpo Karatejutsu, as well as other kenpo styles! 

Thus, the relationship between the internal & external Quanfa styles exist as yin / yang conceptual methods within each art, "in the fist". Whether in the pre-heaven or post-heaven conditions! This conceptual examination provides the DK instructor with unlimited and unpresidented  freedom in the physical expression of animal-fist striking analogies!

Since the Baguazhang style has it's 12 animal style representations as a basis for it's motion foundation. It is clear that within it's mysterious expressions lie the basis for improvements within the foundation of the 5 animal fists & styles of which the kenpo arts boast as well.

Therefore, the Snaking Fangs Hide Black Tiger technique is just one of an unlimited number of formidable and devastatingly effective street combat interpretations within the mysteriously beautiful and brutal phyically expressive heath & fitness exercise of the Looking Through The Tiger's Mouth form within the Wu Dang School of Martial Creativity!

I do hope that you enjoy a explore the many street combat possibilitites which exist within the Looking Through TheTiger's Mouth video at:








Martial Arts Association International

DKKCI Lectures:
BDCCI Independent Studies Initiative:

Natural Weapon: Palm [Down / Up] Knife-Hand
Target: Throat & Kidneys
I. Various Impact Property Effects On The Frontal & Side Throat Areas;
1. Injury To The Branchial Plexus,
A. Injury of the branchial nerve can cause partial paralysis to the arm:
2. Contusion Of The Phrenic Nerve,
B. A massive strike to an assailant's throat will create contusion of the phrenic nerve, causing severe irregulation of breathing.
3. Contusion Of The Vertebral Vein,
C. A major strike to the vertebral artery will fracture the spinous process causing clotting in the vessels. Arterial Thrombosis and possible Hematoma.
4. Contusion Of The Laryngeal Nerve,
D. A devastating strike to the laryngeal nerves causes the epiglottis and vocal cords to close in the protection of the wind pipe. Thus, preventing foreign matter from entering the trachea. This prevents air from entering and exiting the lungs. Non- relaxation of the laryngeal nerve can result in suffocation of the assailant.5. Contusion Of The Vagus Nerve,
E. A Major strike to the vagus nerve can cause damage which would produce heart and lung spasms. Resulting in irregular heart beat, shortness of breath, and possible fatality. 6. Contuison Of The Hypoglossal Nerve,
F. Damaging this internal nerve will cause swallowing of the tongue. Producing suffocation and possible death. 7. Fracture Of The Thyroid Cartilage,
. Fracturing this cartilage can cause slow suffocation and possible fatality. 8. Fracture Of The Spinous Process,
H. Fracture of this process will result in spinal cord shock or whiplash. 9. Fracture Of The Carotid Sheath,
I. A major strike damaging the carotid sheath by tearing it will cause hematoma growth pressing at the trachea. Major swelling at the neck will occur. Resulting in death by strangulation.
A.)  Rupturing the the kidney from the execution of a horizontal,  reverse or angled doward elbow strike to the ribs occurs from hydrostatic pressure impact causing the 12th rib to puncture the kidney. Thus, bleeding in the lung cavity (can / may) occur! [1]
B.)  Extreme Pain, Bloody Urination , and Coma can occur from this strike. Also, Peritonitis or the accumulation of urine & blood becoming present on the abdominal wall causing extreme tenderness within the abdomen.
C.)  If the elbow strike causes a complete break of the ribs. The diaphragm between the kidney and ribs will puncture causing intercostal rib spasms and temporary respiratory paralysis; etc,! [1]
[1]Source: B.D.C.C.I. Street Combat Library; Deadly Karate Blows: Adams Brian, Unique Publications; 1985 ppgs. 59-60.
Sabba Papassa Akaranim, or ['Aviod All Evil']



Copyright 2006 © Soke Reginald Hoover;

All Rights Reserved By

Dragon Kenpo Karate Consortium International 




2. Slanting Circles:


Defense Against A Front Kick To The Groin; Sucker Punch; and Side Kick To The Ribcage:

        In this sequence the attacker is already in position in front of you or is in the process of delivering a brisk walk–up front kick to your groin area. This defensive counter attack can be used against a right or left front kicking attack. We will consider the right front kicking attack!

A.    As you sense the attacker’s trail leg delivering the front kick. Quickly step to your left with your left leg as you sabaki right with your right leg. Execute a right circular downward outside blocking palm as your left arm executes a circular outward crane’s hane blocking check. Quickly close the distance with your left leg as you deliver a right trail leg thrusting front kick to the attacker’s left trail leg knee.

B.    Trapping the attacker’s right arm with your left hand just above the elbow and pulling forward. Trap the same arm below the elbow joint just above the wrist with your right hand and execute a quick twist counter-clockwise turning his palm-up.

C.     Execute a vicious left knee-lift to the attacker’s right elbow breaking it.

D.     Stepping forward with your left leg deliver a combination-thrusting palm down leopard’s fist strike to the attacker’s throat. As your right hand executes an upward clockwise circling phoenix eye fist strike to the attacker’s left eye socket as it transforms into a right palm check of the attacker’s left hand counter attempt. Continue your clockwise motion

E.      Execute a left clockwise circling downward knife-hand strike to the bridge of the attacker’s nose, transforming into a left tiger’s claw raking pull across his/her left eye, pulling the head backward. As your right leg steps forward across the left, deliver a right upward hammer fist strike to the base of the skull. Finishing your clockwise motion with a quick right thumb striking press behind the attacker’s right ear at the jawbone juncture. Covering-out for your escape.


                                       Song #2:
" It is good to look for the hard within the soft. It is cleaver to shrink into small and be soft as totton. If we talk about the nine sections Jin, we must say it clearly until it is understood. The nine sections are palms, fists, elbows, and wrists; Also shoulders, waist, hips, knees, and feet: Must look for 'Jin' in the hands, eyes, body movement, techniques, and stepping. Left and right, the variations are wide. When moving, motion is better and more agile than the monkey or cat. When spinning and turning, the steppings are stedy and secure. When standing still, firmed like Tai mountain. Your alertness is such that a fly cannot land on your body, and when light; light as a goose feather:"
Source: Swimming Body Baguazhang: [p. 105] 

"Subway System or Meridian System"?

"Every morning, tourists and seasoned straphangers get onto the train and do their best not to touch anybody else, poke or spill, humph or haw in the improper posture, and lock their eyes onto a polite pinpoint, and drift into a galaxy where no other eyes are drifting, until they arrive at their intended stops. The Buddha might have nodded at this new form of mass meditation as they pass through the tunnels, unaware of the hidden networks that support the movements of the train. No one gives a thought to the massive underground command center that safeguards the entire system, that is, until something goes wrong.

Now the train has stopped, the lights in the cars have gone dim, and fear and mistrust have strapped on their boots. Nothing is moving. Everyone is wondering what is going on. Emergency friendships have been struck up and, all of a sudden, conversations are tossing against each other, all with the same intention: to discover the nature of their predicament by guessing wildly.

Everyone in Chinese Medicine has heard of the quotation: "When there is movement there is no pain. When movement stops, there is pain.” Unless the train stops (or of course, if there is a fire or a flood), everyone thinks that the system is perfect. But when the lights darken and the subway stalls, there is no choice but to deduce a reason for it. Everyone is then a detective or engineering expert. The Chinese Meridian System is exactly the same as the New York Subway, and the people, when they are ill, like stranded straphangers. In many ways, modern medicine has left people stranded and helpless to deal with or understand their own illnesses, especially those that don't respond to conventional treatment.
Imagine the human body as New York City and the many blood vessels are the subway tunnels. These vessels are mapped out, easy to see, and are used everyday. The personnel occupying the token booths are the medical doctors representing the gargantuan system, giving information only as needed, or requested. Other workers could represent nurses, technicians, office drones, and in the invisible command center are the insurance conglomerates manipulating it all.

In between that, in the spaces that are not yet in or out, there are other tunnels that the general public doesn't see. How often is it necessary for a straphanger to explore the deeper regions of the system? Unless they are trapped in a stalled train, there is no reason. Suddenly, there they are. The men in orange vests and filthy boots, who dance mysteriously over the third rail, emerge from a hidden doorway, irrigate and cleanse the inner chambers, and are some mysterious force that shows everyone that indeed, there are other doorways, tunnels, and dark portals that are not intended to be traversed by the accidentally curious. One wrong step at the wrong time can be fatal. Acupuncturists are similar to the same people who control an advanced system of communication and travel, so poorly understood by the general public. What services do these strange people provide? What do they do and how do they do it? Most people don't know and don't want to know, until something goes wrong and nobody else can fix it.

When there is a disturbance in the subway system, and one of the lines is out of service, there are other options besides sitting on the platform and waiting. However inconvenient and time consuming they may be, these options still serve to transport the public to their destinations. When the body is blocked, there are also options left to the human frame to find another route to homeostasis, but those options cause a further disintegration to the body if left unrepaired.

The underlying premise of Acupuncture is very simple and should never be made to be complicated. It is a system of checkpoints in the human body that are used to regulate the formless communication matrix that unites the energy flow of the whole human experience. Some people refer to this flow as Qi, some as energy, but it is more accurate to call this the Vapor of Vitality or "Vita-Vapor" as Master Wang Tao of Wu Dang Temple calls it. That almost sounds like a refreshing bottled drink! But it is this vapor that permeates all things and can travel to any corner of the Earthly existence. This vapor is not without rules, though, or restraints by which it may operate. This is a more complicated topic that can be called the Natural Law.

When the train pulls into each stop, it is filled with people and transports them through the system the same way blood carries cells, nutrients, and wastes, to their designated areas. But when the train is gone, do the tracks disappear? Do the tunnels collapse into a vacuum? What is left to occupy the space now that the train is gone? It is the Vapor of Vitality that is still there, holding up the structure of the system, awaiting its next task. Vita-Vapor can be further extrapolated by simply calling it the Life Force.

When a person is injured, the Life Force naturally retreats from that area. If it's a bump on the head, then rubbing the painful area vigorously coaxes the Life Force to return and dispel the pain. When an Acupuncturist treats the human condition, they insert needles into acupoints, which are known to harness the Life Force in different ways. Once the needle is inserted, the Life Force hurries to the tip of the needle, providing the "De Qi" sensation. What the Acupuncturist does after that depends primarily on the personal level of cultivation, needle technique, and talent for directing the Life Force to return to its proper position. Ordinary practitioners insert the needles and then leave the room for 20 minutes, hoping that upon their return, some positive event has occurred. This is a very romantic way to practice.

New Yorkers use the subway every day and so it takes very little to convince them of how useful it is. Nobody needs to be convinced that they have blood, veins, and muscles, why do they need so much convincing that they have 12 meridians? Not to mention others, like the eight secret tunnels that are used for storage, transportation, or additional extraordinary energy. Most have never seen the MTA's underground command center but they believe it must exist. It stands to reason that are even more systems at work that have yet to be made public, like the X Signal System of Manaka, or those that have yet to be discovered. Rather than scare, this should excite people and biology books everywhere should begin to be revised to satisfy a more enlightened and inquisitive public.

The methods by which the body works are numerous and new discoveries are happening all the time that illustrate how little we know about ourselves, our Universe, even just our subway. For example, referring to the glandular system as the House of Spirit, Intellect, Growth, Heart, Transcendence, Water, and Essence is just another way of talking about something from a different perspective. The command center for the subway that is buried 100 feet deep is no more real a concept. It is only a matter of approaching culturally diverse and esoteric principles from a point of common reference".

"Crane-Fist emphasizes unification of the internal & external. Qi is sunk to the Lower Dan Tian. Either obvious external, or hidden internal; deep and long are the main concern. Aiming for the highest satge of unification in Essence (Jing); Qi and Yi (Spirit), ennabling the condensation of the essence and concentration of the spirit. Use the Yi to lead the Qi"! [2]
"Yi Yi Yin Qi" or {'Let you wisdon lead your energies'!}
[2]. Source: B.D.C.C.I. Street Combat Library; The Essence Of Shaolin White Crane: Ming-Jwing, YMMA Publications; 1997, pg 103.

Therigatha XIV


XIV -- Subha & the Libertine

As Subha the nun was going through Jivaka's delightful mango grove, a libertine (a goldsmith's son) blocked her path, so she said to him:
'What wrong have I done you
that you stand in my way?
It's not proper, my friend,
that a man should touch
a woman gone forth.
I respect the Master's message,
the training pointed out by the one well-gone.
I am pure, without blemish:
    Why do you stand in my way?
You -- your mind agitated, impassioned;
I -- unagitated, unimpassioned,
with a mind entirely freed:
    Why do you stand in my way?'

'You are young & not bad-looking,
what need do you have for going forth?
Throw off your ochre robe --
    Come, let's delight in the flowering grove.
A sweetness they exude everywhere,
the towering trees with their pollen.
The beginning of spring is a pleasant season --
    Come, let's delight in the flowering grove.
The trees with their blossoming tips
moan, as it were, in the breeze:
What delight will you have
if you plunge into the grove alone?
Frequented by herds of wild beasts,
disturbed by elephants rutting & aroused:
you want to go
into the great, lonely, frightening grove?
Like a doll made of gold, you will go about,
like a goddess in the gardens of heaven.
With delicate, smooth
Kasi fabrics,
you will shine, O beauty without compare.
I would gladly do your every bidding
if we were to dwell in the glade.
For there is no creature dearer to me
    than you, O nymph with the languid regard.
If you do as I ask, happy, come live in my house.
Dwelling in the calm of a palace,
    have women wait on you,
    wear delicate Kasi fabrics,
    adorn yourself with garlands & creams.
I will make you many & varied ornaments
    of gold, jewels, & pearls.
Climb onto a costly bed,
scented with sandalwood carvings,
with a well-washed coverlet, beautiful,
spread with a woolen quilt, brand new.
Like a blue lotus rising from the water
where no human beings dwell,
you will go to old age with your limbs unseen,
if you stay as you are in the holy life.'

'What do you assume of any essence,
here in this cemetery grower, filled with corpses,
this body destined to break up?
What do you see when you look at me,
    you who are out of your mind?'

'Your eyes are like those of a fawn,
like those of a sprite in the mountains.
Seeing your eyes, my sensual delight
    grows all the more.
Like tips they are, of blue lotuses,
in your golden face
    -- spotless:
Seeing your eyes, my sensual delight
    grows all the more.
Even if you should go far away,
I will think only of your pure,
    long-lashed gaze,
for there is nothing dearer to me
    than your eyes, O nymph with the languid regard.'

'You want to stray from the road,
you want the moon as a plaything,
you want to jump over
Mount Sineru,
you who have designs on one born of the Buddha.
For there is nothing anywhere at all
in the cosmos with its gods,
that would be an object of passion for me.
    I don't even know what that passion would be,
    for it's been killed, root & all, by the path.
Like embers from a pit -- scattered,
like a bowl of poison -- evaporated,
    I don't even see what that passion would be,
    for it's been killed, root & all, by the path.
Try to seduce one who hasn't reflected on this,
or who has not followed the Master's teaching.
But try it with this one who knows
    and you suffer.
For in the midst of praise & blame,
    pleasure & pain,
my mindfulness stands firm.
Knowing the unattractiveness
    of things compounded,
my mind cleaves to nothing at all.
I am a follower of the one well-gone,
riding the vehicle of the eightfold way:
My arrow removed, effluent-free,
I delight, having gone to an empty dwelling.
For I have seen well-painted puppets,
hitched up with sticks & strings,
made to dance in various ways.
When the sticks & strings are removed,
thrown away, scattered, shredded,
smashed into pieces, not to be found,
    in what will the mind there make its home?
This body of mine, which is just like that,
when devoid of dhammas doesn't function.
When, devoid of dhammas, it doesn't function,
    in what will the mind there make its home?
Like a mural you've seen, painted on a wall,
smeared with yellow orpiment,
there your vision has been distorted,
meaningless your human perception.
Like an evaporated mirage,
like a tree of gold in a dream,
like a magic show in the midst of a crowd --
    you run blind after what is unreal.
Resembling a ball of sealing wax,
set in a hollow,
with a bubble in the middle
and bathed with tears,
eye secretions are born there too:
The parts of the eye
are rolled all together
in various ways.'

Plucking out her lovely eye,
with mind unattached
she felt no regret.

'Here, take this eye. It's yours.'

Straightaway she gave it to him.
Straightaway his passion faded right there,
and he begged her forgiveness.

'Be well, follower of the holy life.
    This sort of thing
    won't happen again.
Harming a person like you
is like embracing a blazing fire,
It is as if I have seized a poisonous snake.
So may you be well. Forgive me.'

And released from there, the nun
went to the excellent Buddha's presence.
When she saw the mark of his excellent merit,
    her eye became
    as it was before.

Source: [Vipassana.com]

DKKCI Lectures
BDCCI Independent Studies Initiative:

Martial Arts Association-International Seminars & Events: 



Am 8. April ist es mal wieder soweit,
für das Secrets of Martial Arts Seminar in Datteln.
Alle Kampfkunst-Interessierte sind herzlich willkommen.
Lasst Euch dieses MAA-I Highlight nicht entgehen!
Ausschreibung siehe Anhang.
Weitere MAA - Termine
Combat and Self protetion Concept
Ausbildung  nächster Lehrgang: 1. April

Kali Concepts
Instructor Ausbildung
1. Termin: 23. April 06

2. Juli  GIM-DO  Schwert-Seminar in Stadthagen mit Großmeister Ralf Bartzsch
( Keine Vorkenntnisse erforderlich! Übungsschwert / Schwertersatz kann gestellt werden. ) 
3. Juni Kempo "Streetfight" Seminar mit B. Kühnapfel

MAA- Thaibox & Freefight Gala
13. Mai in Datteln

Deutsche MAA Taekwondo Meisterschaft
13.Mai in Waltrop

22. April ATS Seminar in Bodenwerder 

Tai Chi & Qi Gong Lehrer Ausbildung   Infos anfordern!

Bei Interesse bitte Infos anfordern!



Ciraco's Okinawan Karate & Kobudo



Martial Arts Seminar with Tashi Troy J. Price

May 6, 2006

Garden City, South Carolina (Myrtle Beach Area)







“Featured Instructorâ€

Troy J. Price, Tashi

5th Dan Shuri-Ryu Karatedo

5th Dan Shuri-Te Jiu-Jitsu

4th Dan US Ju-Jitsu Federation


Seminar Sponsored By:

Ciraco's Okinawan Karate & Kobudo &

Mike Ciraco, Renshi

5th Dan Konanryu Kohokan- Karatedo Kyokai Org.

3rd Dan Yamani Ryu Kobudo

2nd Dan Goju-ryu Shoreikan


Seminar Subject Areas:

Pressure Point Locations & Methods of Attack

Wrist Locks, Arm Bars, Chokes & Neck Controls

Applied Pressure Methods for Pain and to Incapacitate

Quick Easy Takedowns into Finishing Holds & Locks

Powerful Elbow, Fist, Palm  & Knee Striking Methods

Continuous Multiple Point Striking Techniques & Methods



Saturday, May 06, 2006

10:00 AM - 5:30 PM (with a lunch break)


Seminar Location:

Grand Strand Fitness & Racquet Club

Ciraco's Okinawan Karate & Kobudo

671 Jamestowne Dr.

Garden City (Murrells Inlet) SC 29576



Pre-Registration (by 05-01-06)   $65.00

Day of event, pay at the door       $75.00

20% discount for Kohokan & Black Belt Club members


Contact Information:

Mike Ciraco

Phone: (843) 650-7773

E-Mail: mciraco1@sc.rr.com

Web-Site: www.ciracokarate.cmasdirect.com


Troy J.Price

Phone: (919) 360-7224

E-mail: troysbudo@aol.com

Web Page: www.worldblackbelt.com/member_pages/troysbudo


All Are Welcome:

This seminar is open to all styles and ranks from beginner to advanced; anyone wishing to improve, through the discipline of martial arts training is welcome.


Troy J. Price began his training in Karatedo and Kobudo in 1982 at the Columbia School of Karatedo West Columbia, SC, under the direction of Kyoshi Ridgely Abele.  In 1985 he began studying Jiu-Jitsu along with his Karatedo training, under the direction of Hanshi Steven Roensch and Kyoshi Abele.  In 1997 he also began studying Baguazhang and Qigong and in 1999 began studying Taijiquan and Xingyiquan.  Tashi Price trains with several nationally and internationally known instructors in the martial arts of Karatedo, Jiu-Jitsu, Kyusho-Jutsu, Kobudo, Chin-Na, Aikido, Wing Chun, Baguazhang, Xingyiquan, Taijiquan & Qigong.


Tashi Price conducts seminars nationally and in Europe and in 2004 he was awarded a international instructor’s license to teach Martial Arts world wide.  He continues to study various areas of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Tashi Price is presently doing extensive research on the Kyusho-Jutsu (vital point striking) aspects within Karate & Jiu-Jitsu. Tashi Price has authored a two-volume set on the Essential Principles Jiu-Jitsu & is now developing a video/DVD series on Continuous Striking Theory, Palm, Elbow & Fist Flow Series, Kyusho-Jutsu, Karatedo and Jiu-Jitsu.


He has traveled and trained throughout the United States, Europe, Mainland China, Hong Kong and Southeast Asia. Tashi Price presently serves as the Secretary General for the International Shuri-Te Yudansha-Kai. He is a member of the United States Ju-Jitsu Federation, United States Martial Arts Federation and International Shuri-Ryu Association. Tashi Price is a former member of the USA Karate Federation National Team.  He was a member of the first national kata team and second national kumite team to train at the USA Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs. He has competed in many regional, national and international championships, including placing second at the 1985 United States Karate Association (USKA) World Championships.



Registration Form










______Pre-Registration (by 05-01-06) $65.00


______Day of event, pay at the door   $75.00


Please make check payable to:

Ciraco's Okinawan Karate & Kobudo

9535 Indigo Creek Blvd

Murrells Inlet SC
IAOMAS England Seminar 2006
Sunday, 7th May 2006
Previous to my last email we have scheduled a date for the seminar on: Sunday, 7th May 2006 (Please ignore any previous dates give)
The time is going to be: 11am until 5pm
The venue: To be confirmed depending on numbers, but likely to be at the same location as previous years - Rayners Lane Academy, South Harrow, Middlesex - unless we have a lot of interest and the hall is deemed too small.
Costs: Costs are £10 in advance or £20 on the day (space permitting)
All costs go directly to the hire of the hall, certificates for attendees (those paying on the day may or may not recieve one) with any extra going to the IAOMAS Paypal fund and/or charity.
Format: We keep the same formula as previous years - but with a slight deviation - see below
Notes: everyone that attends is expected to participate in ALL sections. We will probibly not have room for spectators as the hall is usually packed

Teaching at the Seminar
On my last email, we had a lot of instructors offering to teach and after discussion on the IAOMAS forum we have decided a slight deviation from previous years in the way the event will run, this is as follows:
Those wishing to take a section should firstly split what they will be doing into either:
a. Technical based - ie. teaching techniques specific to their style
b. Training based - taking the group through training drills (pad work etc)
What I am hoping for, is that some instructors would be willing to take as section using Training Routines as well as those taking technical based sections. For example, one instructor does a warm up section,  then we may interlude with a technical section, then onto a pad work section etc etc - Im sure you get the idea.
All instructors will be put into 2 hats and drawn on the day - priority being given to those who havnt taught before or those that previous attendee's would very much like to see again please email me with names if this is the case).
For example: If there are 3 TKD instructors, and one has taught before - ony two will go into the hat.
The draws will be split between the 'technique' based sections and 'training/drill' based sections throughout the day.
The warm-up instructor will be arranged in advanced, and there will be a guest slot for an international instructor visiting - all others go in the hat unless we:
a) dont need to do that as we have just the right amount
b) The instructors can teach something very unique!
This seems to be the fairest way to do things.

This Years Seminar
  • One instructor will be required to do a quick warm up - please let me know if you`d like to do that (this doesnt count as a section) - it should be no more than 20 minutes - all interested instructors will be drawn from a hat previous to the event.
  • Between 6 and 10 instructors will be required for the sections which will be strictly half an hour slots - Marc Jones will be keeping an eye on time limits.

What to do Now
Please send an email to england@iaomas.com this week even if you have previously emailed stating:
1. Whether you want to take a section (see notes above) or simply want to attend 9with your students)- either is fine.
2. If teaching, whether it can be classed as 'Technical' or 'Training' based
3. Whether you are happy to either not to teach (if the need arises) or pair up with another instructor in your style - I will endeavour to put you in contact before the event
4. Please include your STYLE (in core terms ie. Wing chun as opposed to your school name)
5. IMPORTANT - Please estimate rough numbers of students attending so that we have an idea of how big a hall we need - please try and judge this correctly as it will directly effect the hall hire.
I look foward to hearing from you soon.
updates will be available at www.iaomas.org - the IAOMAS forum
IAOMAS England
Ps. for previous reports/videos of the IAOMAS seminars please have at look at the following links:

--- Martials Arts are not about Fighting ---
         ----- They are about truth -----








Christian Kenpo Karate Association Membership  Inquiries may be submitted to CKKA; 887 Verde St; Shafter; CA 93263 or by email at chaplainfindley@yahoo.com.